Case Reports

A case report provides important and detailed information about an individual, which is often lost in larger studies. Accurate recounting of clinical experience continues to be essential to the progress of medicine.

Test yourself, what's your diagnosis?

Case Reports

A case report provides important and detailed information about an individual, which is often lost in larger studies. Accurate recounting of clinical experience continues to be essential to the progress of medicine.

Test yourself, what's your diagnosis?

Case of the month

A 60-year-old man with remitting fever, shaking chills, marked asthenia and non-productive cough

Alessia Leonarda, Dario Bartolo Macaluso, Rosangela Di Liberti, Mariachiara Velardo, Sonia Poma, Nicola Scichilone, Alida Benfante (Palermo, Italy)

All Case Reports

Marco Marando, Romain Messe (Geneva, Switzerland)

Amel Alameeri (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

Ipek Çlik, Kadir Burak Özer, Suat Erus (Istanbul, Turkey)

Sharada Vinod Kutty, Muniza Bai, Anant Mohan, Aruna Nambirajan, Vijay Hadda, Karan Madan, Pawan Tiwari, Saurabh Mittal, Shamim A Shamim, Yamini Dharmashaktu (India)

Claudia Weber, Stephan Wieser, Nadine Stanek (Switzerland)

Marzieh Hashemi, Arash Toghyani (Isfahan, Iran)

Inęs Barreto, Francisca Godinho Oliveira, Alda Manique, Richard Staats, Cristina Bárbara (Lisbon, Portugal)

Zakaria Laklaai, Hanane Benjelloune, Khadija Chanoune, Nahid Zaghba, Najiba Yassine (Casablanca, Morocco)