
By March 2021, 130M people were affected by the Covid 19 pandemic and 2.83M lives were lost. The focus of research today is veered towards treatment and diagnosis but equally important is follow up in the recovery of these patients. Across the globe, the majority affected were healthcare workers. It is therefore important to evaluate disease outcomes & possible long-term complications for a possible recalibration of treatment protocol or follow-up. This study aims to put together symptom assessment through the mMRC scale & objectively identify post covid CT scan changes.

This is a prospective cohort involving recovered moderate to severe covid 19 healthcare workers who underwent repeat Plain chest CT scan after at least 3 months of recovery read using the RSNA classification scale & mMRC score was obtained during follow up to determine severity of dyspnea.

30 participants took part in the study. 50% were male & 50% were female. Most of the participants were 19-40 years of age. 8 participants had moderate & 23 had severe Covid 19 infection. Frequent comorbidities include hypertension (50%) & cardiac disease (20%). On admission, most participants had Typical RSNA classification seen in 80% and 10% had RSNA Atypical classification.

Compared to follow-up, 23% were still noted to have GGO, Typical RSNA Classification & 3% had Atypical RSNA classification. The most common finding was fibrosis noted in 43% while complete resolution was seen in 30%. The mean mmRC score was equal between the scores 0 & 1 seen in 43% each. 3% rated a score of 2 and 10% scored 3. 

But overall, 57% were noted to have an mMRC score of 1 and above indicating significant dyspnea.