
Purpose of the study. To study the comorbid background and features of the clinical course of COPD in patients with AF. 

Materials and methods. Materials and methods. 92 patients with COPD with and without AF were examined. 60 patients with COPD without AF and 32 patients with COPD with AF. All patients underwent standard clinical examination, ECG, Echo and standard laboratory tests. Thorough analyzes of complaints, anamnesis, the presence of concomitant diseases were profiled. Spirometry was performed with the definition of VC; FVC; FEV1; Tiffno index - the ratio of FEV1/FVC. Blood samples were taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and such indicators as HB, lipid profile, creatinine and serum albumin were examined. GFR was assessed using the CKD-EPI formula (2011). In addition, the CRP biomarker of inflammation was evaluated. Differences between groups were considered statistically significant at p<0.05.

Research results. The average age of patients with COPD and AF was 67.5 years. In patients with COPD with AF, compared with patients with COPD without AF, comorbidities were more often observed, including AH (68.2% vs 46.4%), type 2 DM (22.8% vs 16.5%), an increased level of LDL cholesterol (19.5% vs 14.7%), a history of stroke (25.3% vs 16.9%), as well as CHF (20% vs 8.4 %). The inflammatory marker (CRP) varied depending on the presence of AF in patients with COPD. The mean CRP and the propotion of the patients with CRP ?10mg/L were lower in COPD patients with AF compared to COPD patients without AF. It was shown that the level of interleukin-6 also correlates with the presence of AF (r=0.57).