
Background and Aims: Some asthmatic patients who are infected with COVID-19 experience progression to severe disease, which is fatal and leads to mortality. So, we aimed to evaluate the association between immune dysfunction and progression to severe COVID-19 in asthma using single-cell RNA sequencing.

Methods: Of the multi-omics data of COVID-19 patients and healthy controls, single-cell RNA sequencing combined with T cell receptor (TCR) and B cell receptor (BCR) sequencing, bulk BCR and TCR sequencing, and cytokine profiling were checked at three time points. We also collected the clinical data and laboratory findings from hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

Results: The confirmed COVID-19 patients were categorized asthma with non-asthma and also checked the severity by WHO criteria. Severe COVID-19 asthma patients showed the significnat decrease at second time point, and IL1R2, CD163, TMEM176A, HSPA1B, DNAJB1, TPST1, SPRY2, ADAMTS2, ZBTB16, SAP30 genes were characteristically expressed in patients with severe COVID-19 asthma. 

Conclusion: In this single-cell RNA sequencing combined with TCR and BCR sequencing, some genes showd the significant findings and this analysis would help understand the potential mechanism of severity in asthma COVID-19 patients.