
A new single inhaler triple therapy to treat COPD patients, BGF, became available in France since 09/21

Interim analysis to describe characteristics of patients initiating BGF according to the prescriber: pulmonologist (PN) or General Practitioner (GP)

Retrospective observational study using the real-world ambulatory medicalized database THIN®, GDPR compliant. Interim analysis conducted on patients with an history of ? 1 year in THIN® before initiation of BGF by a panelist (PN or GP)

Between 09/21 and 12/22, 192 patients, fulfilling the criteria, were initiated with BGF: 137 patients initiated by a PN (71%) and 55 by a GP (29%). Patients were 68 years old and 57% were male. The most common comorbidities were asthma (47%), sleep disorders (31%), hypertension (30%) and anxiety (19%).

Prior to initiating BGF, 44% of patients were treated with free or fixed triple therapy (27% by GP vs 51% by PN), 43% with dual therapy (51% by GP vs 40% by PN), 10% with monotherapy (18% by GP vs 7% by PN) and 2% did not have maintenance treatment (4% by GP vs 2% by PN). Within 1 year before BGF initiation, 76% of patients had ? 1 moderate or severe exacerbation (73% vs 77% for patients managed by GP and PN respectively); 60% of patients had ? 1 severe and/or ? 2 moderate exacerbations (58% vs 60% for patients managed by GP and PN respectively).

Profile of patients who initiated treatment with BGF was similar between GPs and PNs. Preliminary results regarding more step up from dual therapy for GP and switch from triple therapy for PN may be due to restriction of primary prescription of fixed triple to PN in France.