
Background: Back in the 90s was invented the Whisperflow system (UCL Ventura), a device able to provide flow up to 150 l/min and 100% oxygen when connected to an oxygen source. Itīs use was not extended but as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which lead to an important number of patients with respiratory failure at the same time and no ICU beds available.

This small and cheap device was named Wayrachi in Peru and used as CPAP as well as High Flow not invasive device.

Objective: To describe the clinical course in the group of patients that were treated with Wayrachi in the setting of severe RF due to COVID 19 pneumonia.

Methods: We reviewed the charts of the patients with COVID 19 pneumonia and RF who were treated with Wayrachi (CPAP, HNFC or both), between March and June 2021, within our Unit of Respiratory Care.

Results: 171 charts were reviewed.79 % had severe RF (PaFi 166).28% were hypertense,18% diabetic,42% obese.97% received low dose corticoids as well.50% used antibiotics before admission.

Patients were transferred with us after 4 days from their admission,used Wayrachi for 9 days and stayed at the Hospital 24 days.

1.75% patients developed pneumomediastinum,4% pneumothorax,59% nosocomial pneumonia, 2.34% pulmonary embolism.

49% used the CPAP mode,26% HNCF and 25% both.

The reasons to stop were:34% good outcome,44 % death, 24%  transferred to the ICU.1.76% didnīt tolerate the device.


-One third of the patients with severe RF due to COVID19 pneumonia, eligible to be admitted into an ICU but couldnīt, who were treated with Wayrachi had a good outcome and were discharged from the hospital.

-This device is well tolerated and has few side effects.