
Introduction : Work-aggravated asthma (WAA) is an asthma that is pre-existing professional exposures.However occupational asthma (OA)and WAA are two entities difficult to distinguish.

Objectives : To study the clinical and epidemiological profile of asthmatics and to identify differences between OA and WAA.

Methods: Retrospective descriptive study of work-related asthma (WRA) cases who have consulted the department of occupational pathologies of the Charles Nicolle Hospital of Tunisia during the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022.

Results: We collected 58 cases of WRA of which 36 cases (62%) were induced by work and 22 cases (38%) were aggravated . The mean age was 43 ± 9 years for OA and 45 ± 7 years for WAA. In the OA group, the main sectors of activity were the textile sector (25%) and health sector (22%).In the AAT group, the most represented sectors were the chemical industry (28.6%) cleaning (19%) and the textile industry (15%). The average seniority was 17 ± 7years in the OA group versus 15 ± 5 years in the WAA group.In the OA group,64% had their symptoms at work whereas 94% of the pre-existing asthma patients had permanent breathing difficulties. The responsible agents for the OA were textile dusts (33%) and formaldehyde (25%).In the WAA group, the exacerbation of the symptoms was mainly related to textile dusts and detergents. These respiratory conditions justified a workstation adjustment in 91 % of cases of WAA and all patients with OA.A transfer was prescribed for 2 patients having a WAA

Conclusions: Asthma whether induced or aggravated by work, reflect inappropriate working conditions. The adoption of preventive measures is imperative to overcome this occupational health problem.