
BACKGROUND Multimorbidity, the co-existence of two or more long term conditions (LTC) is a global problem. There is a lack of effective interventions for multimorbidity. There is evidence for exercise based rehabilitation in many single LTC including pulmonary rehabilitation. In order to evaluate an exercise programme for multimorbid individuals a set of outcome measures needs to be established. The Personalised Exercise Rehbailitation for Multimorbidity(PERFORM) trial (NIHR funded) will examine an exercise based intervention for those who are multimorbid with evidence for the benefit of exercise in one LTC. The primary outcome for the trial is the EQ-5D. METHOD A survey was conducted to identify suitable outcomes for a feasibility trial of exercise based rehabilitation for individuals with multiple LTC. The survey identified the domain and a potential outcome assessing symptom burden (9 items), physical impact (5 items) and self-management behaviours (4 items). The survey was shared with experts in the field of rehabilitation for single LTC. RESULTS 24/81 (29.6%) completed the survey. Measurement of symptoms for mood (75.0%), depression (70.8) and breathlessness (70.8%) were considered most important, whilst sleep (37.5%) and pain (45.8%) were seen as a lower priority.  For the physical impact measures of exercise capacity (83.3%) and physical frailty (75.0%) were prioritised. Self-management behaviours overall were considered less important (exercise adherence (58.3%), treatment burden (41.7%). CONCLUSION A collection of outcome have been identified to assess feasibility of the PERFORM intervention.

PERFORM is funded by an NIHR Programme Grant (202020).