
Title: Ultra-thin cryoprobe: diagnostic and safety profile in peripheral pulmonary lesions
Introduction: Trans Bronchial Lung Cryobiopsy (TBLC) combined with radial EBUS(R-EBUS) is useful for diagnosing peripheral pulmonary lesions(PPL). There are limitations due to the size and flexibility of conventional 1.9mm and 2.4mm cryoprobes.
Aims & Objectives: To study diagnostic yield and safety profile of ultra-thin 1.1mm flexible cryoprobe in PPLs.
Methods: The study includes patients with PPL who underwent TBLC with ultra-thin 1.1mm flexible cryoprobe with Guide Sheath(GS) of target lesion determined by a combination of R-EBUS and fluoroscopy guidance.
Results: A total of 60 patients were subjected to combined R-EBUS and fluoroscopy-guided TBLC with the new 1.1mm flexible cryoprobe with Guide Sheath(GS). The diagnostic yield was 92%. Mild and Moderate bleeding was seen in 66% and 30% of patients respectively. Diagnostic yield was higher in cases of positive bronchus signs.
Conclusions: The use of ultra-thin 1.1mm flexible cryoprobe in PPLs is a safe technique with favourable diagnostic yield.