

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The clinical curse includes from an asymptomatic course to death.

Thrombomodulin (BDCA3) is predominantly expressed on vascular endothelial cells,BDCA3 is well known for its anticoagulant activity.


To determine the impact of thrombomodulin on mortality in COVID-19 hospitalizated patients. Hypothesis: patients with alterations of BDCA3 will have more mortality risk.


In a cohort study, patients >18 years hospitalized with diagnosis COVID-19 were included and BDCA3 was quantified.   


A total 165 patients with COVID-19 and BDCA3 were evaluated, the age was 57.2±12.9. Subjects were classified in survivors and no survivors. No differences in comorbidities were observed between groups. IMV on admission and glucose were grater in no survivors. Those patients with BDCA23 greater than 3600 pg/mL have 3.5 times the risk of dying compared to those patients with lower BDCA3, adjusted for cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, enoxaparin dose, direct bilirubin, and sex.


Patients with BDCA3 greater had higher mortality risk, it could be in response to worse inflammatory process.