
Purpose: to study the structure of medical errors (ME) committed when prescribing antimicrobial drugs(AMP) of the cephalosporin (CF) group at the outpatient stage of treatment of patients with respiratory pathology.

Material and methods. The subject and object of this study was the data on the use of AMP from 381 outpatient follow-up cards for the period from 2019-2020, of which 129 patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), 189 with COPD , 61 - asthma (BA) and 2 patients with lung sarcoidosis.

Results: ME associated with the use of an antibiotic of the CF group, in the absence of indications / or for an unregistered indication is in 57.8%, in 42.9% of cases of them in the treatment of patients with BA, in 50% - with ARI and 3.6% - with lung sarcoidosis. 26.6% of ME cases are associated with various dosage regimen violations, including non-compliance with the frequency of use of CF in 6.2%, exceeding the recommended dose of CP in 1.6%, the use of an antibiotic at a low dose in 2.1% and in 7.9% cases, a long duration of therapy was noted. ME associated with incorrect tactics of antibiotic use is 15.6%, reflected by the facts of irrational change of the AMP regimen with its ineffectiveness in 5.2% of cases, untimely change of AMP with its ineffectiveness in 5.7%, incorrect tactics of the treatment regimen in 4.7 %.

Conclusion.Strengthening pharmacovigilance measures in the system of AMP use, analysis of medical errors in the use of AMP, registration of all cases of adverse reactions resulting from the incorrect use of AMPs will improve the effectiveness and safety of drug therapy and contribute to overcoming antibiotic resistance.