
Introduction: Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at high risk of tuberculosis (TB) infection due to occupational exposure. Prevention of TB disease by treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI) is a critical component of public health.
Aims and objectives: Assess LTBI among HCWs in a tertiary hospital in a low-risk area (827HCWs).
Methods: Prospective, descriptive ongoing study (September - December 2022). HCWs underwent a clinical questionnaire, chest x-ray, and interferon-?-release assay (IGRA). 
Results: Volunteered 61 HCWs (7.4%). We excluded one due to a previous history of TB, four dropped out, and seven were waiting for IGRA results. 
Forty-nine patients completed screening, most were women (n=47;95.9%), with a mean age of 49.1years (SDą1.66), and 55.1% (n=27) were non-smokers. About 57.1% (n=28) had chronic health condition.
The majority of the participants were operational staff (n=22;44.9%) and nurses (n=13;26.5%). Approximately 49% (n=24) of the HCWs had previously worked in a TB sanatorium. Most had BCG vaccination (n=47;95.9%). In 30.6% (n=15) of HCWs, it was the first screening for TB.
We identified four cases of LTBI, all among operational staff, aged between 55 and 63 years. One patient refused treatment. 
Operational staff are at increased risk of LTBI (OR 5.345;p=0.035). Patients with LTBI were older (57.3 vs. 48.4years;p=0.024). There was no difference between gender (p=0.158) and years of work (p=0.277). 
Conclusion: The operational staff group is at higher risk of LTBI. Are operational staff at higher risk because of a lack of knowledge of infection prevention? The low participation rate of HCWs points to the need to promote adherence to screening and treatment in healthcare facilities.