
Background: Diagnostic yield, sedation, safety of EBUS TBNA is not well described in patients aged 80 and older (octogenarians)

Methods: EBUS-TBNA service was initiated in our department in June 2022.We retrospectively investigated octogenarian patients who underwent EBUS-TBNA in our department from June 2022 up to January 2023.

Diagnostic yield, sedation & complications were analyzed and compared to our non-octogenarian group of patients.

All patients underwent EBUS-TBNA with 22g histology needle.

Sedation constituted of midazolam combined with fentanyl.Flumazenil and antibiotics were administered when required.

Results: 232 EBUS-TBNAs were performed in our department during the aforementioned period.

188 patients (81%) were non-octogenarians (mean age 65,24 ± 10.8) and 44 (19%) were octogenarians (mean age 82,75 ± 3.5).

Male patients were 78.2% and 77.3% P=1.00, respectively.

Inpatients constituted the 24.5% and 19.8%, P=0.564 of non-octogenarians and octogenarians.

Diagnostic yield was, 87.5% vs 81,6%. P=0,43 respectively.

Mean number of biopsied lesions were 1,71 ± 0,748 vs 1,57 ± 0,728 P=0,247 respectively.

Midazolam and fentanyl doses were higher in non-octogenarians, 6.55 ± 3.082 vs 4,75 ± 2.6 mg, P<0.001 and 59,39 ± 28,86 vs 45,58 ± 24,7 mcg, P=0.004, respectively.

Flumazenil was administered in 72.5% of non-octogenarians and in 70.5% of octogenarians, P=0.852.

Antibiotics were administered in 71.3% of non-octogenarians vs 63,6% of octogenarians, P=0.363.

Complication rates were 2,1% vs 4.5%, P=0,598 respectively.

Conclusions: Diagnostic yield was comparable in both groups.

Complications rates were double in the octogenarian group.

Sedation levels were lower in the octogenarian group.