
Introduction:Since the start of COVID19 pandemic,characteristics of patients with COVID19 admitted to an IRCU have changed,mainly due to the impact of vaccination.However, in these patients it remains to be determined whether mortality and need for IOT-MV have been reduced compared to previous waves.

Methods:Cross-sectional study during December 2021.Consecutive inclusion of patients with COVID19 admitted to the IRCU Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge.Admission criteria to IRCU: moderate-severe infection COVID19(SpO2<=92%,FiO2 50%±NIV support). Demographic variables, comorbidities, laboratory data, vaccination status, mortality and IRCU failure(defined as transfer to ICU) were collected. Continuous and categorical variables expressed as mean±SD and percentages, respectively.Data between groups were analysed using chi-square and t-student statistical tests.Significant result:p<0.005.

Results:93 patients studied.85% candidates for transfer to ICU and IOT-MV(Figure 1). Of these(n=79), Figure 2. shows main characteristics between deceased(n=11) and survivors(n=68) and between patients who improved in IRCU(n=24) and those transferred to ICU(n=55).

Conclusions:Patients transferred to ICU had more severe COVID19 on admission and were more IS despite similar age and higher vaccination rate. Deceased patients were more IS; there were no differences in infection severity, age, or vaccination rate. Results suggest that during 6th wave of the pandemic, IS is a determining factor in mortality from COVID19 regardless of age, disease severity, and vaccination rate.