
Purpose: to assess factors and risks of development of community-acquired pneumonia.

Materials and methods. The subject and object of this research was copy of data from the medical history of 7709 patients, treated in the pulmonology department of RSSPMCPhP in the period 2015-2018.

Results: According to a retrospective study, the proportion of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) was 6.44%.

Chronic bronchopulmonary diseases and the cardiovascular system diseases were revealed in 54.7% and 41.8% in CAP patients. The proportion of CAP without comorbidity was 29.7%.

65.4% of patients without comorbid condition were 40 years or younger; 96.3% of patients with CBPD and up to 93.6% of patients with CVD were older than 40 years. The incidence of CAP with CVD was 2 times more frequent among women (64.5%).

66.8% of treated persons with CAP had the fact of late hospitalization, which lasted more than 7 days. 58.1% of lately hospitalized patients had CBPD, and 23.7% of patients had CVD as comorbidities.

20.4% of patients were hospitalized for more than 10 days. In patients with a duration of treatment of more than 10 days, up to 56.8% of patients had concomitant CKD, 31.8% had CVD, and only 17% of patients with CAP had no diagnosed comorbid condition.

Conclusion: Community-acquired pneumonia developed on the background of chronic pathology of respiratory system is considered as a cost-demanding clinical case, having both the course and treatment features, and the development of measures for mandatory pneumococcal vaccination of people with chronic bronchopulmonary pathology.