
COPD and cardiovascular disease often coexist and are the leading causes of mortality worldwide. According to the latest edition of the Spanish Guide for the management of COPD, the patient classified as uncontrolled has a higher risk of exacerbation in both the short and long term. We therefore set out to assess whether patients classified as uncontrolled have a higher cardiovascular risk than controlled patients.

We designed a cross-sectional study in which we analysed the degree of control according to the scale included in the GesEPOC guidelines and the cardiovascular risk measured by the SCORE scale of cardiovascular risk and the Relative Risk (QRISK 3-2018) for a European population.

A total of 115 patients were included, from which patients over 80 years of age, with previous ischemic heart disease and/or diabetes mellitus were excluded as these criteria in themselves imply a very high cardiovascular risk. Table I shows the main baseline characteristics of the patients. A higher relative risk (1.48±0.57) of a cardiovascular event was observed in patients with uncontrolled COPD compared to controlled patients (1.23±0.44) with a p: 0.034 and a confidence interval (0.0322,0924). We found no difference in SCORE scale between controlled (10.22±5.94) and uncontrolled patients (8.50±4.36) p:0.131 with a confidence interval (-0.7816, 0.104).

we can conclude from the results of our study that there is a higher relative risk of a cardiovascular event in uncontrolled patients compared to controlled patients