
Introduction: Bronchiectasis (Br) is associated with diverse aetiologies. Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's colitis) associated bronchiectasis (IBD-Br) is poorly described.

Objectives: Describe IBD-Br in specialist Br clinic. Compare to those with a coded diagnosis of IBD-Br seen in IBD clinics not referred to Br services.

Methods: A retrospective cohort study using clinic databases, electronic health records and primary care electronic health records. Patient demographics, characteristics including Bronchiectasis Severity Index (BSI) and clinic attended were recorded.

Results: 212 patients were identified from coding data, 55 (26%) were found to have documented evidence of IBD-Br. Of these, 28 (51%) were managed in Br services (Table1). Overall median age was 69 years, with 47% male and 53% female. Sputum microbiology showed H.influenzae most frequently isolated.

IBD-Br attending Br clinic

IBD-Br not referred

P value
Age 70


M:F ratio 1:1


Exacerbation frequency 3


% ?3 exacerbations recorded 57 23 0.008

%  lung function recorded

93 63 0.007
%FEV1 predicted where recorded 83 76 0.785
% positive sputum culture in last 3 yrs 86 52


% recorded physio input

79 4 <0.001
BSI 6.5 5 0.006

Conclusion: IBD-Br patients seen in bronchiectasis clinic are significantly more likely to have ?3 exacerbations per year, higher BSI, physio referral and chronic colonisation. However, 52% of those IBD-Br cases not referred to Br clinic had positive sputum cultures and 23% had ?3 exacerbations per year. We should be working closely with IBD services/guidelines to ensure that criteria for referral to Br clinic are followed to maximise patient care.