
The adult PCD specialist service commenced during the COVID-19 pandemic leading to a largely virtual service for the first 18months. A service evaluation was completed after 2 years to provide insight into patient experience, recommendations for service improvement and to benchmark against other Adult PCD national services across England.

Aim: To evaluate the Royal Brompton Adult PCD service

Digital questionnaires were sent via email or text to all patients who had attended at least one adult PCD clinic prior to December 2022 (n=278). Paper copies were available on request and translations were made where required. The questionnaire was open for 6 weeks and a reminder sent at 3 weeks with further circulation on Twitter via the PCD support group.

The response rate was 54% with respondents from a wide range of ages (16-70+) and ethnicities (48% from non-white British populations). The results showed that 95% of patients felt involved in decisions about their care and 94% felt confident in the team to provide quality care. 50% preferred a mix of virtual and in-person appointments which is the services? current structure. Whilst 38% preferred in-person appointments only. 88% reported being offered an in-person appointment with barriers to attendance being a mix of travel distance, lack of notice and COVID. Only 32% of respondents reported knowing all the staff within the service and 13% reported not having any contact details for the team. Overall, the Royal Brompton adult PCD service has been able to provide quality care to its patients despite a largely virtual service in the first 2 years. The feedback received has provided insight into initial areas of development and service improvement.