

Nutrition is a cornerstone care for all chronic respiratory diseases, there is still a gap in the literature regarding interstitial lung disease (ILD).


We aim to describe the nutritional status of our cohort and how this correlates with pulmonary functional test (PFT) and presence of UIP in CT


Retrospective cohort study. ILD patients who had nutrition evaluation from March 2021 to august 2022 were included(n=106). We collected PFT, CT pattern, symptoms and ILD cause. A licensed nutritionist collected weight, high, BMI, subjective global assessment(SGA) and arm strength with a grip dynamometer.


Table 1: Cohort description. Fig 1: Correlation matrix.

Age,yrs 67
Male(%) 31(29,2)
Weight,Kg 69,8
BMI 27,3
SGA A:77;B:26;C:3
RA strenght(Kg) 23,3
LA strenght(Kg) 22,2
Dyspnea(%) 75(70,7)
FVC, Lt 2,23
DLCO,ml/min/mmHg 15,49
Definitive UIP(%) 28(26,4)
Time to PFT(months) 3,29
Time to CT(months) 5,59
ILD cause
IPF(%) 19(17,9)
CTD(%) 52(49,1)
Others(%) 5(33,1)

Grip strength has the best PFT correlation (FVC p=0,003;VEF1 p=0,002; DLCO p=0,006). SGA has the best negative correlation with meters in 6 minutes walking test(p=0,001)and performed slightly better than strength for UIP presence (Pearson correlation 0,12 vs 0,02).


Nutrition parameters correlates to patientīs respiratory status. To understand this relation will provide evidence to be applied specifically in ILD patientīs care.