
The information contained within breath volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has the potential to identify biomarkers of disease and metabolic dysregulation. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is the gold standard for VOC discovery however, it requires VOCs pre-concentration, long sample processing time and is not suitable for point-of-care use limiting its' translation into the clinic.
To develop a high throughput Soft Ionisation mass spectrometry (MS) method for ambient VOC analysis for deeper understanding of breath metabolites.
VOCs were analysed in the breath of 3 Asthmatic and 3 healthy volunteers who exhaled directly into a SICRIT® ion source coupled to an MS analyser. MS data acquired at full scan with a mass range 50-600 m/z. and spectra from 3 exhalations of each sample were combined.
Some typically seen in breath VOCs were identified (Fig.1). A change in exhaled compounds among rest and exercise was seen. Most ions are in 100-250 m/z mass range. Primary breath metabolites were identified for the first time (pyruvate, urea, lactate) with prototypical secondary and tertiary metabolites described in asthma (aldehydes). 

Our findings reflect the ability of soft ionisation MS to provide high throughput, in-clinic VOC profiling for non-invasive biomarker analysis of primary, secondary, and tertiary metabolites. We are developing VOC spectral library using this novel system.