Objectives: Determine the clinical profile and outcomes of patients with primary intrathoracic cancer with COVID-19.
Method: We report a single-center retrospective cohort medical record review of the clinical profile and outcomes of intrathoracic cancer patients with COVID-19. We analyzed 22 patients admitted in a tertiary hospital who were SARS COV-2 real-time polymerase chain reaction-positive. A descriptive statistic was used and quantitative results were analyzed using frequency distributions or median whenever appropriate.
Results: A total of 22 subjects were identified. Majority were male (77%), the median age was 52 years old, and 42% had hypertension. The most common symptoms were cough and dyspnea. Majority of the patients who died were age 41-60 years old (75%), male (53%), non-smoker (63%), and with ECOG III (36%). Of the entire cohort, 73% had non-small cell carcinoma (NSCCA), 63% were COVID-critical and 63% had acute respiratory failure (ARF), 11 patients were discharged and 11died.
Conclusions: Our data highlighted that patient with increasing age, male, hypertensive, COVID critical, with ARF, with NSCCA, and poor ECOG performance status are more likely to die from COVID-19 infection.