
Introduction and Objectives

In the last 20 years, the diagnosis of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) has increased dramatically.In relation to greater life expectancy, different factors that condition immunosuppression, increase in the prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases and the improvements in diagnostic techniques. 

Material and methods

Retrospective, observational study of all NTMs diagnosed from 2016 to 2022  in Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, Tenerife. We monitored the treated patients to analyze the side effects and response to treatment.


A total of 66 patients (60.61% women, 39.39% men) have obtained an MNT isolation, the mean age  ofthe patients is 58.7 years. Of the total, 30.3% met  ATS-IDSA criteria for specific treatment, 100% started  treatment according to our indications. The average duration of treatment was 12 months, extending to 16 months in 4 patients. Regarding adverse reactions, 57.8% have presented some, mainly highlighting optic neuropathy (due to ethambutol), muscle weakness (due to amikacin), gastrointestinal disorders (due to azithromycin), liver toxicity, hairy tongue (due to nebulized amikacin). 88.88% obtained a complete response to treatment, clinical, radiological and microbiological. Currently, 5 patients are receiving active treatment, with favorable clinical and radiological evolution. The patients who did not respond, was due to death of another cause and loss of follow-up.


We consider the education and follow-up of patients with NTM essential given the complexity, duration of treatment, and adverse reactions of the drugs used.