
NTM are ubiquitous microorganisms free living in the environment. In a small percentage of cases with predisposing conditions they may cause a wide range of lung diseases.

Our analysis describes in details patients with confirmed isolation of NTM in the last year coming from a single study centre (IRCCS San Matteo Respiratory Unit, Pavia). We develop an interest in improving knowledge and management about this disease since optimal management is still unclear.

We have collected data for 41 patients (31 Females and 10 Males) with a mean age 68 years and 32% of them was immunodepressed. 38 had NTM isolation on bronchoalveolar lavage, 2 patients on sputum, and 1 patient on CT-guided lung biopsy.

M. avium was the most common microorganism isolated (23 cases), followed by M. intracellulare, M. abscessus and others.

Anti mycobacterial treatment was started in 26 out of 41 patients but was completed in just 7 cases mainly due to drugs related side effects and intollerance. 13 patients are currently on therapy. When fully completed mean duration of treatment was 8.6 months.

From a radiological point of view  30 patients have concomitant bronchiectasis while concerning with specific NTM lung disease 32 patients (78%) had nodular- bronchiectatic disease and 9 (22%) had cavitated disease.

Lung function tests evidenced bronchial obstruction in 11 (27%) cases, with 3 of them having COPD and 1 with asthma concurrent diagnosis.

At present day many aspects of NTM disease need to be clarified. Collecting detailed data from multiple study centers from all over the world could be a starting point in order to improve and better define patient management affected by this insidious disease.