

6MWT is reliable and affordable method to assess physical activity in COPD exacerbators.


To assess the physical endurance of COPD patients with exacerbations vi? 6MWT.

Materials and methods:

COPD patients (n=80) performed 6MWT according to a standard protocol at the end of their hospital stay. The patients were divided in two groups: exacerbators with one moderate exacerbation annually (group1, n1=38patients); exacerbators with more than one moderate or severe exacerbation annually (group2, n2=42patients). Data was processed statistically with StatgraphicsPlus.    


Group 2 patients presented with the following characteristics, compared to group 1 patients: younger age (average age 61 years vs 64 years, p<0.005); values measured both before and after the test: lower systolic blood pressure (p<0.05), higher heart rate (p<0.05), higher oxygen saturation (p<0.05); lower level of comorbidities (p<0.01). No significant desaturation was observed in group2 during the 6MWT (98% before the test and 97% after the test;p=0.2301). The median distance walked for group2 patients was longer 319.64m compared to group1 (307.31m), but the difference was not clinically significant (p=0.6449). No significant difference was found between both groups according to FEV1% (p=0.6836). After 7years follow up the mortality in group2 was significantly higher (48%) compared to group1 (15%)(p<0.005).


Frequent exacerbators presented with no significant desaturation during 6MWT and improved physical activity. It seems that they got better medical services and more precise follow-up during their frequent hospitalizations and had better control over their comorbidities. Even though they still remained with higher mortality risk during follow up.