

Lung cancer and COPD  are important causes of death. It was demonstrated that COPD is a risk factor for lung cancer development, independent of smoking exposure. The aim of the study was a clinical characteristic of patients diagnosed with lung cancer and COPD currently in the era of new recommendations for diagnosis and treatment.

Material and Methods:

The demographic and clinical data collected retrospectively from a medical histories of the patients diagnosed with lung tumors between years 2016-2022 were analyzed. The diagnosis of  lung cancer was confirmed histopatologically and COPD diagnosis was based on clinical symptoms and an irreversible obstruction in spirometry.  


982 patients with lung tumor were diagnosed. In 524 primary lung cancer was confirmed, 180 patients of them were diagnosed with COPD. A median age was 70.5 years, and there were 46.1% women in this group. 77.7% of patients were exposed to smoke between 21 and 60 packyears. The majority of patients presented moderate or sever obturation: 56.1% and 31.5% respectively. Lung cancer stage was following: I -  5.65%, II ? 3.39%, III ? 52.54%, IV ? 38.42%. Histological types of lung cancer were as follow: SCLC ? 28.9%, ADC ? 26.0%, SCC ? 29.5%, NOS ? 10.6%, other ? 5.0%. In 55.8% of patients emphysema in CT scan was revealed. Only 13.3% of patients did not presented any comorbidities. The most common comorbid disease was hypertension (58.9%), followed by heart failure (21.7%), diabetes type II  (18.9%) and coronary heart disease (17.2%). 5 year survival rate in this group was 6.25%.


COPD in patients with lung cancer is an important and growing clinical problem which requires attention. Many patients had emphysema and comorbidities.