
Severe respiratory diseases including asthma need new treatments to prevent severe clinical features in a number of patients. New models are necessary. We constructed an innervated bronchial epithelium model in vitro from iPSCs. We synthesised an extracellular matrix composed of a mixture of collagen and chitosan, and added primary human bronchial fibroblasts to colonize and act as a subepithelial mucosa. Sensory neurons derived from iPSCs were cultured on the underside of the matrix and a bronchial epithelium derived from iPSCs from the same subject was cultured on the surface, in ALI as reported (Ahmed et al., 2022). We obtained an iPSC-derived bronchial epithelium with the main architecture and cell types of pseudostratified epithelium after 60 days culture. It is based on an extracellular matrix thickened with ?endogenous? human collagen secreted by the fibroblasts and forming a basal lamina. HES staining showed a pseudostratified epithelium with different bronchial cell types, including ciliated cells, beating according to phase contrast microscopy. The results were confirmed by immunofluorescence of TUBIV+ ciliated cells, MUC5AC+ mucus cells, KRT5+ basal cells, CCSP+ club cells and CHGA+ neuroendocrine cells. Partial innervation was demonstrated within the matrix.To improve this innervation, we added iPSCS-derived Schwann cells to guide newly formed sensory nerve fibres. Preliminary results document the effective presence of longer spreading nerve fibres within the matrix TUBß3+, more mature since presenting the sensory neuropeptide CGRP+ labelling. We successfully obtained a 3D iPSC-derived innervated bronchial epithelium. Functionality test are underway.