
Moldovan national policy allows 3 types of anti-TB treatment: 1. community observed delivered by the out-reacher; 2. DOT in hospitals; 3. Asynchronous video-supported (VST) with virtual management of the adverse drug effects. The aim was to assess the impact of VST on the case-management and outcome of TB. Was conducted a retrospective, selective, case-control study, on 88 patients enrolled in VST during 2020 y. in Chisinau (R.Moldova). The study group (SG) included 64 cases underwent VST in the continuation phase and control group (CG)-24 entirely VST. Were not enrolled: PL-HIV, psychically impaired, migrants and patients who refused VST. Multivariable logistic regression analysis (MLRA) were used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI. Results: men/women rate=2.2 in SG vs 1.4 in CG, OR=1.6 (95% CI:0.6-4.2), average age was 39±12 y.o. in SG and 36±9 y.o. in CG, <45/45+ y.o.=3.2/2.2, OR=1.8 (95% CI:0.6-5), anamnesis of anti-TB OR=1.1 (95% CI:0.3-2.8), economical vulnerable OR=1.2 (95% CI:0,5-3,1), low educational level OR=1.2 (95% CI:0.5-2.1), TB contact OR=1.1 (95% CI:0,4-1,4), co-morbidities OR=1.3 (95% CI:0,4-3,2), disease-related peculiarities: pulmonary localization OR=2.8 (95% CI:0.3-24.1), AFB (+) OR=3,2 (95% CI:1.9-4.3), MDR-TB OR=3,8 (95% CI:1.4-31.4). Treatment was standardized for: susceptible TB 55(86%) vs 2(8%), MDR-TB 9(14%) vs 2(8%) and individualized 8(12%) vs 1(4%), adverse drug events (ADE) 12(19%) vs 6(25%), successfully treated 55(86%) vs 22(91%), died 0 vs 1(4%), were continuing 9(14%) vs 1(4%). Conclusions: asynchronous VST can be implemented in eligible groups in both treatment phases, despite the same risk factors, but with an individualised approach.