
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting people's routines, and thus causing anxiety and fear. On the other hand, it is noted that people are afraid of getting infected of COVID-19. One population at increased risk of developing excessive fear of COVID-19 is people with asthma.

Aim: The present study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the Fear of COVID-19 Questionnaire (FCV-19S) in Greek adults with asthma.

Methods: A survey was conducted with 35 out-patients with asthma from the General Hospital of Kifissia "Agioi Anargyroi", in Athens, Greece. Construct and criterion validity were conducted as well as reliability (internal consistency and repeated measures) of the measures of the FCV-19S.

Results: The results of principal component analysis showed that the seven questions of the FCV-19S scale are grouped into two factors: "Physical fear of Covid-19" and "Emotional fear of Covid-19". The two factors were found to explain the 74.3% of data variability. The findings showed high reliability for the first and the second  factors(a = 0.83 and 0.86 respectively). The FCV-19S scale showed a significant correlation with the Borg Dyspnea scale (p<0.01) but no significant correlations with FEV1%, GSE scale, STAI (anxiety), NQ, and ACT questionnaires.

Conclusions: This first study presented data on the validity and reliability for the FCV-19S in people with asthma and showed the correlation of dyspnea with the fear of COVID-19.