
Vaping has become very popular particularly among young people. Although it was initially introduced into the market as a form of smoking cessation,it has acquired a more social connotation, ignoring how harmfully they are.
Analyzing de influence of vaping against tobacco consumption under 35 years old was the objective of this observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study, carrying out by an anonymous survey.

733 people were surveyed, with 673 valid responses according to our inclusion criteria. The mean age was 25.1 years, including 102 under-age people (15.2%). 98.8% (664) knows what a vaper is, 60.3% have ever used it. 4.6% (31) use it daily, the rest, 374 (55.7%) sporadically. Some 45% of the devices contained nicotine. The mean age of initiation of vaping was 21.8 years.
24.2% (163) were conventional smokers, smoking an average of 5.7 cigarettes/day. The mean age of beginning was 16 years. 10.1% (55) had started using cigarettes after using a vape.
37.7% (252) had parents who usually smoked. 55.8% (368) believe that vaping is less harmful than cigarettes. The most common reasons for starting to vape are reflected in Figure 1.

- Smoking has become a trend among young people, who start earlier.
- Seaking out new experiences was a frequent reason to start vaping, most of them due to a false sense of security about its effects.
- Most cigarette smokers have ever vaped and some vaper users have become active tobacco smokers later.