
In order to attract many consumers to the tobacco products, the tobacco manufactures add inti these products several chemical compounds or essential oils or natural extractives. The conventional cigarettes, as older products than the recently commercialized tobacco products (e-cigarettes, HTPs, ?) have several compounds added in the tobacco used.

In this work, an extensive reseach is conducted to record all compounds used as flavoring in cigarettes. 1,747 papers related papers have been found in Scopus database. However, only 35 of them include specific information about the flavorings used, such as name, category and flavor. Totally, 588 compounds are recorded. Figure 1 shows the different flavor categories and the number of the compounds found in each one of them. Sweet, fruity and floral are the three main flavor categories.

Table 2 shows the number of additives used as a function of chemical familly.

Acyclic hydrocarbons 4
Alcohols 32
Aldehydes 29
Alkaloids 2
Amides 1
Amino acids 4
Aromatic hydrocarbons 23
Carbohydrates 5
Carboxylic acids 36
Epoxide 1
Essential oils, oleoresins and natural extractives 135
Esters 105
Ethers 7
Heterocyclic organic compounds 52
Isoprenoid 12
Ketones 19
Lactates 2
Lactones 17
Mono, polycyclic hydrocarbons 10
Phenols 11
Terpenes 56
Thiazoles 1
Undefined 24

Essential oils, Esters, Terpens and Heterocyclic organic compounds are the four main famillies used.

A high number of compouds is used as cigarette flavorings.