
Background:Various studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is associated with lower cardiovascular endurance levels. It?s important to evaluate the physical activity levels of individuals with SCI and to reveal the parameters associated with the physical activity level.

Aims and objectives:To evaluate the physical activity level of individuals with SCI and to determine the parameters related to physical activity.

Methods:Study was carried out with 47 people between the ages of 18-75. Physical activity levels were assessed with the Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities(PASIPD). Cardiovascular endurance and functional level were evaluated with Manual Wheelchair Propulsion Test(20 Meter Push, Slalom and 6 Minute Push Test), respiratory functions(FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEF) and respiratory muscle strength(MIP and MEP) with spirometry.

Results:The mean PASIPD score was 15.53±10.92 MET. 20-meter push test was 17.05±7.00, slalom test was 46.68±24.98 s, 6-minute push test was 407.98±127.94.  FVC was 85.92±33.73%(normal), FEV was 67.75±36.56%(mild obstruction), FEV1/FVC was 85.14±21.10%(normal). Muscle weakness was found because MIP was 75.96±22.58% and MEP was 61.11±26.23%.  There was a moderate to severe positive correlation between PASIPD and pulmonary function test except FVC, moderate positive correlation between PASIPD and MEP, moderate negative correlation between the PASIPD and 20-meter push, slalom push test and moderate positive correlation with the 6-minute push test.

Conclusion:This study explicitly addresses the potential interaction of physical activity level and parameters associated with physical activity level in individuals with SCI.