
Bronchiectasis is a pathologic condition that permanently impairs bronchi and
bronchioles. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of exercises on the
pulmonary function of subjects with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis(NCBE) and
healthy(HE). The subjects perform 24 session exercises on the treadmill and were
evaluated in the initial and endpoint using the impulse oscillometry by resistance at 5
and 20Hz(R5 and R20), area and reactance at 5Hz(X5 and AX), and resonant frequency
(Fres). The mean age in group BE(n=12) was 59(19-75) and HE(n=9) 56(30-75) years,
p=0.8. In the initial evaluation, there were differences for Fres [NCBE:26.72(18.25-
38.64); HE:15.29(0-24.16)] p=0.0002; AX [NCBE:2.99(0.57-5.46); HE:0.7(0-1.42)]
p=0,001; and AX [NCBE:2.99(0.57-5.46); HE:0.70 (0-1.42)] p=0,001; no differences
for R5, R20, R5-R20, and X5. However, there were differences in the final evaluation
for Fres [NCBE:24.77(12.01-33.6); HE:15.79 (10.18- 28.64)] p=0,01; and AX
[NCBE:1,90(0,41-5,78), HE:0,61(0,3-3,01)] p=0,03. In conclusion, in the long term,
exercise on a treadmill is able to reduce the values of the compliance of small airways in
non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis subjects.