

Due to increasing prevelance rates exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic OSA/OHS will place a significant strain on healthcare resourcs.


The purpose of this review was to examine the current referral process for assessment, severity and ongoing management of patients with OSA/OHS


Retrospective quantitative analysis was completed of patients referred for assessment and attending the sleep service (2019-2022).Data was collected using the IT Patient Management System and internal OSA/NIV database.Evaluated data included clinic activity(attendance/DNA rates/referral source),patient demographics,diagnostic testing, OSA positivity rates,referral for treatment.


A total n=3728 of patient visits to the sleep service (2019-2022). Clinic attendance rate of 84.7% including new patient assessment (n=697,23.6%).DNA rate 13.9%(new referrals 32.2%,review patients 67.7%).Referral source included GP(67%),Acute services(33%),predominantly male 67%, higher incidence 50-59 age category. Following Assessment 942 patients (new n=885 Acute/clinic, review n=57) were referred for Limited sleep study/Watchpat study. Overall positivity rate of 72.9% (Mild 44.9%,Moderate 25.4%,Severe 29.6%).Subsequently 34.6% required treatment with CPAP/NIV. Discharge rate post sleep study(n=558,59.2%)


Optimizing the referral process and the addition of Virtual care for routine clinic follow up/management of patients (OSA/OHS),provides a positive strategy to improve patient accessibility and reduce waiting times.Timely assessment/diagnosis/treatment of OSA/OHS is important to improve quality of life, limit/prevent co-morbidities and future complications.