
WHO has issued icd-10 U09.9 for LC, which is still not implemented in Greek health services. Moreover, public health direction is largely focused on sole pulmonary assessment. Non-hospitalized -acute phase- pts gained access to public post covid clinics only since the end of 2021. To date LC pts not only cannot find targeted medical care and rehabilitation but also have no work rights. Polls conducted through Greek LC patients? Facebook are seen in Fig 1. In addition, pts suffering from dysautonomia are either undiagnosed (61%) or misdiagnosed as mental disorders (32%), without access to multidisciplinary treatment.

POLL 1 (1/2023)

Where am I monitored as a long covid patient? (n=562)

POLL 2 (2/2023)

How easily your dysautonomia was diagnosed?(n=166)

Public health facilities 8% At the first appointment 6%
Nowhere 33% Was first misdiagnosed as anxiety/depression 11%
Private Physicians 45% ?ven after my diagnosis, many doctors still believe that the symptoms arise from psychological factors 21%
Other 13% ?lthough I understand from the descriptions that I suffer from dysautonomia, I have not been diagnosed yet 61%

Most common symptoms are shown in F2[figure2] There is an urgent need for recognition of LC by the state and myltidisplinary centers. LC is an important public health issue that should be addressed so to ameliorate the vast pandemic repercussions.