
Introduction: Mobile apps have already improved the management of patients with asthma and COPD. Unfortunately, the market of medical apps in Ukraine for patients is not well regulated. It allows the appearance of low-quality apps.

Aims: To evaluate the quality of Android apps for patients with COPD and asthma available in Ukraine with a Ukrainian interface.

Methods: Based on the recommendations of the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA) we created a framework that included 52 criteria consolidated in four fields: ?Data and privacy? (10 criteria), ?Clinical Assurance and Safety? (15 criteria), ?Usability and Accessibility? (10 criteria), ?Technical Security and Stability? (17 criteria). We analyzed 4 apps in December 2022: ?Smart Asthma: Forecast Asthma?, ?Lung exercises?, ?Medication reminders?, ?Helsi?.

Results: The best app based on «Data and privacy» and «Clinical Assurance and Safety» fields was ?Smart Asthma: Forecast Asthma?. It meets 9 and 11 criteria respectively. ?Medication reminders? was the best app based on ?Usability and Accessibility? and ?Technical Security and Stability? fields ? 8 and 15 criteria accordingly.

Based on total scores the best apps were ?Smart Asthma: Forecast Asthma? (40 criteria) and ?Medication reminders? - 37 criteria. ?Helsi? scored 28 criteria, which means the low quality of apps. ?Lung exercises? met only 11 criteria and showed the worst quality.

Conclusions: The quality of ?Smart Asthma: Forecast Asthma? and ?Medication reminders? meets the ORCHA criteria and may be recommended to use by COPD and asthma patients. Apps ?Helsi? and ?Lung exercises? have low quality and cannot be safely and efficacy used by patients.