
Background: Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can suffer from multiple comorbidities that affect their health status. Common extrapulmonary comorbidities are anxiety and depression.

Objective: Increase understanding of the relationship between health status of patients with COPD, measured by the COPD Assessment Test (CAT), and anxiety and depression, measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).

Method: This cross-sectional was study performed in 2020. Participants were individuals with COPD in a stable condition (N=85), living at home, and had received a minimum of six months of nursing care from an outpatient pulmonary university clinic. Majority were females or 59 (69.4%). All were diagnosed with GOLD stage II or higher. Data were collected through telephone communication. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of participants, and Spearman's correlation to assess correlation between the CAT score and HADS score.

 Results: Mean age of participants was 71.05 years. Means of anxiety and depression were 3.19 and 4.75 respectively. Males had significant higher scores on CAT (M=26.27) compared to females (M=25.83) (r=0.039). The relationships between CAT score and HADS-anxiety (Spearman's ?=0.18), and CAT score and HADS-depression (Spearman's ?=0.21) were non-significant.

Conclusion: Different from some pilot studies, the health status of participants was not related to anxiety or depression. Still, further studies on whether measures of anxiety and depression are needed to assess health status of patients in clinical practice is warranted.