
Kleine?Levin syndrome (KLS) is a rare disease characterized by recurrent episodes of hypersomnia, behavioural or cognitive disturbances, compulsive eating behaviour, and hypersexuality. An underlying hypothalamic pathology is suggested by the critical role of this structure in regulating sleep, appetite, and sexual behaviours; however, no consistent hypothalamic abnormalities have been identified. Viral and autoimmune causative factors have been suggested, on the basis of the frequent report of flu-like symptoms at onset, and the most frequent precipitating factor (70%). MAL, 58 years old, diagnosed with Covid 19 in November 2020 with 50% bilateral ground-glass lesions pulmonary involvement, and peribronchovascular and peripheral fine intermingled reticulate pattern, some rounded consolidations and pleuroparenchymal bands with a fibroatelectasic appearance. He maintained 50% of lung parenchyma involvement for 30 days, and was treated with high flow oxygen therapy. After this period, with stabilization of the respiratory and hemodynamic condition, the patient was referred for pulmonary follow-up. Patient with grade I obesity, controlled high blood pressure with dual medication, denying other comorbidities. Respiratory physiotherapy, weight loss, inhaled therapy with bronchodilator and oral corticosteroids were indicated. The patient progressed with parcial improvement and presented a loss of 4 kilos in 40 days of evolution. In July 2021, the patient began to complain of progressive hypersomnolence and hyperphagia. He also related a 2 kilograms weight gain, since the last appointment. He woke up at night just to eat, and was feeling ashamed because was having some sexual ?perversions?.