

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is underdiagnosed in Down Syndrome (DS) population despite its high prevalence.

The PASHOS questionnaire is an OSA screening test with a diagnostic accuracy greater than 80% in the general population (Peñacoba P, 2022).


To assess the usefulness of the PASHOS questionnaire for the screening of OSA in adults with DS and to compare it with the questionnaires commonly used in the assessment of OSA.


Observational study of adults with DS without cognitive impairment who underwent a videopolysomnography and subjective sleep measurements: sleep quality (Pittsburgh), sleepiness (Epworth) and OSA screening questionnaires (Berlin, Stop-BANG and PASHOS).


A total of 89 subjects participated (57.3%men);  mean age: 36.4 ±9.71 years; BMI: 28.42 ± 5.76 kg/m2; NC: 40.62 ± 3, 87 cm.

The mean AHI was 25.5 (+28), and the cumulative time with SO2 <90% (CT90%), 6.5 (±12).  28% presented mild OSA, 14.6% moderate, and 30.3% severe OSA.

A low score and a low diagnostic yield were obtained in all the questionnaires (Table 1). The PASHOS test showed the highest sensitivity (72%) and negative predictive value (65.6%).


PASHOS test showed discrete but better diagnostic accuracy than the usual OSA screening test. The results evidence the need  to validate specific OSA screening tools for population with DS.