Background: CF R.I.S.E. is a planned, structured transition program created to improve quality of life and minimize interruption in care as a patient transition from pediatric to adult cystic fibrosis (CF) care. We decided to implement the CF R.I.S.E. program by making the necessary translations and adaptations.Methods: This Quality Improvent (QI) Project was conducted in MU?s CF Center which currently follows 311 pediatric patients. There are 88 adult CF patients followed by adult and pediatric teams. We currently have no social worker. All CF team members and a patient representative from KIFDER (Turkish CF patient and family association) participated in weekly QI meetings. CF R.I.S.E. consist of 12 knowledge assessment (KA), answer sheets and 6 responsibility checklists (RC). We made the necessary changes in KA?s according to the conditions in our country. Results: We named our transition program, KF S.O.B.E (word formed by the Turkish initials of self care,responsibility, independence, and education).KF S.O.B.E materials are online and include webinars, patient brochures and videos. KF S.O.B.E. was introduced to the families and patients via an online meeting. We conducted a pilot study with two patients. We have established a timeline for the KF S.O.B.E. Project.Conclusions:We believe that the current QI project, will set an example for other countries with similar conditions