
AIT increases Treg cells, essential to inhibit Th2-mediated inflammation, allergen-specific IgE, mast cells and eosinophils, moreover, lung FOXP3+ CD3+ CD4+ Treg cells were significantly increased, promoting a tolerogenic landscape, in 0M-85 treated mice.

The aim of this study was to identify, whether the addition of OM-85, amplifies the efficacy of AIT.

We reviewed the medical records of 45 adults, with early onset, asthma and perennial rhinitis, sensitized to dust mites and/or Alternaria, treated with conventional therapy (GINA step 3-4), who were initiated AIT, during September 2021, for whom, FeNO, spirometry, BEC, total and specific IgE, ACT and Combined Symptom Medication Scores at baseline and 24 weeks after (March 2022), were available.

The analysis stratified pts who were initiated AIT alone (cluster SCIT, n=20) or were treated, additionally with OM-85 (7mg tablet daily, for 10 consecutive days for 3 months, n=25) following the instructions of the treating physician.  

Pts on AIT+OM-85 showed significant improvements in ACT 24.1±1.6 vs 20.2±04 p<0.001, rhino-symptoms (0.4±1.2 vs 14.2±3), medication scores (0.3±0.9 vs 2.8± 0.1) and  preFEV1 (1.74±0.550 vs 1.46±0.220, p<0.001, while essential T2-high markers like FeNO (meanSD 15±6 vs 25±4 PPB, p<0.001) and BEC (meanSD95±34 vs 120±40 cells/?l, p<0,001) were decreased. As to total IgE, there were no significant differences detected.

These findings strongly suggest an increment effect of add-on OM-85 on the efficacy of AIT.