
Background Clinicians need to understand the new ESC/ERS 2022 pulmonary hypertension (PH) guideline updates to optimize patient care.

Aims and objectives We assessed the impact of online micro learning-based independent education on physician knowledge and competence in implementing new guidelines in practice.

Methods Cardiologists (n=1,996) and pulmonologists (n=498) participated in a 17m activity wherein faculty asked each other questions with 90-120s responses. Education effects were assessed using a 4-question, repeated pairs, pre-/post-assessment design. Paired samples t-test was used for aggregate correct responses & confidence, and McNemar?s test for individual questions. P values <.05 = statistically significant. The activity launched 9/2022, and data collected through 2/2023.

Results 192 cardiologists & 44 pulmonologists completed all assessment questions. Overall significant improvements were seen after participation, with an average 43% pre-assessment correct response rate vs 60.2% post-assessment (P<.001). Significant improvements were observed for both audiences regarding knowledge of the new hemodynamic definition of PH, new recommended parameters for assessing PH probability; and competence in differentiating the roles of the 3- and 4-strata risk assessments. The latter, however, was not as well understood, requiring further education.  After participating, 41% of cardiologist and 30% of pulmonologists had measurable improved confidence regarding applying new guidelines in their practice.

Conclusions This study demonstrates the success of micro learning-based education in improving knowledge & competence on new guidelines.