
This retrospective study analysed patient (pt) characteristics, maintenance treatment and hospital-related healthcare resource use (HCRU) of pts with COPD aged ?40 years (y), excluding pts with acute exacerbation, pneumonia or acute bronchitis. Pts were indexed upon entry to a Prince of Wales Hospital (Hong Kong) cohort from 1Jan2017 to 31Dec2019 and followed up every 6 months for up to 3y. Mean (SD) age at enrollment (N=220) was 74.3 (10.1) y and number of comorbidities was 2.6 (1.7); 3% were female; 31% had ?1 exacerbation ?12 months pre-index. At baseline, multiple inhaled triple therapy (MITT) was the most common treatment (66%) followed by LAMA/LABA (17%) and ICS/LABA (7%). Pts on MITT and ICS-based therapy had a higher mean CAT score (9.4 and 9.2, respectively) and mMRC score (1.7 for both). Of pts treated with MITT at baseline (n=146), ICS/LABA+LAMA was the most common regimen (69%) and 16% pts discontinued MITT at 2 y, 55% of whom switched to LAMA/LABA. Blood eosinophil (EOS) level at baseline (n=215) was 100?300 cells/?l in 68% and >300 cells/?l in 28%; pts with ICS/LABA or ICS-based therapy had mean EOS levels of 307.5±1.7 cells/?l and 263.9±2.1 cells/?l, respectively. Pts with EOS >300 cells/?l had the highest COPD-related direct healthcare cost (mean over 12 months pre-index: ?3532); most were treated with MITT (Figure). 75% of healthcare costs were COPD-related; pts on MITT and ICS-based therapy had the highest HCRU.

Funding: GSK (214757)