
Pulmonary function testing with dynamic spirometry before and after bronchodilation (BD) is performed in patients with bronchiectasis in order to assess airway impairment. However, spirometry has its limitations as it reflects more larger airway obstruction rather than peripheral airway abnormality and hyperinflation, which is assessed better with impulse oscillometry (IOS) and body plethysmography.

Aim: To evaluate the degree of small airway impairment and hyperinflation in patients with bronchiectasis.

Methods: 8 patients with bronchiectasis were recruited from the outpatient bronchiectasis unit at    the department of Respiratory medicine and allergy, Karolinska university hospital ( LuMaBro cohort). Baseline IOS, spirometry and body plethysmography measurements were performed according to ERS guidelines.

Results:Eight patients ( mean age, 71.8 years, six females) were recruited, with no actual smokers ( 7 seven non-smokers and 1 ex-smoker). One patient had an asthma diagnosis.  

FEV1 %  FEV1/FVC FRC# RV%# RV/TLC# R5-R20* R5* Ax*
81.5 (16.5) 0,65 (5.9) 138 (27.5) 152.6 (22.2)  51.7 (6.2) 0.07 (0-0.08) 37 (28-40) 0.49 (0.09-1.28)

Tabell 1: Pulmonary function testing results. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second, FVC: forced vital capacity, FRC: functional residual capacity, RV: residual volume, TLC: total lung capacity, R5: resistance at 5 Hz, R20: resistance at 20 Hz, Ax: area of reactance, # mean(SD) * median (range) ¤ after BD

Conclusions: Our preliminary data from 8 bronchiectasis patients demonstrated that apart from airway obstruction, also hyperinflation and small airway impairment were present, arguing for a need to assess them in this patient group.