
Stridor is defined by a partial obstruction of the airway caused by abnormal apposition of 2 tissue surfaces in close proximity, with resultant turbulent airflow. This condition produces a high-pitched sound known as stridor. Recently, technological developments in airline evaluation have made it easier to make a differential diagnosis in patients with stridor. In this study, it was aimed to describe the findings obtained as a result of bronchoscopic evaluation of children with stridor.

Methods A retrospective analysis of bronchoscopy reports of pediatric patients the ages of 0-18 years performed flexible bronchoscopy ?n the department of ped?atr?c pulmonology of our center between January 2016 and December 2022 was performed.

Results 82 patients included in the study, 49 were male (59.75%) and the median age was 9 months (34 days-17 years). Laryngomalacia in 30 of the patients, subglottic stenosis in 18, tracheomalacia in 14, bronchomalacia in 11, five patient nasopharyngeal collapse, two patient vallekula cyst, two patient vocal cord paralysis, two patient hemangioma in subglottic area, one patient synechia in vocal cord, one patient hypertrophy in arytenoids were detected. In one patient, had external pressure on the trachea, then a double aortic arch was diagnosed. Normal bronchoscopy findings were present in ten patients.

Conclusion Evaluation of patients has stridor with flexible bronchoscopy has very important place in diagnostic terms.