
Background: Nitric oxide originate from natural sources, other fuel-burning processes, and the combustion of gasoline in automobiles. When utilised in poorly ventilated spaces, indoor appliances like gas stoves and wood or gas heaters can emit a lot of nitrogen oxides. High levels can lead to chronic lung disease (asthma) and airway inflammation in healthy individuals over time, as well as aggravate asthma symptoms in those who already have them.

Materials and methods: The study consists of measuring NO2 levels in different parts of London & Margate including inside the school class rooms. The measurements established that high levels in the air of indoors and outdoors causes deleterious effect in children and adults. Between 2018 and 2022, measurements were taken over a period 7 days.

Results: The NO2 values for the observational study were collected from a school confirms higher levels in the atmosphere in different areas

Conclusion: Improving public awareness regarding air pollution regarding air quality standards to reduce NO2.