
Aim: To evaluate the efficasy of EBBT for the pallition of symptoms caused by endobronchial metastases of non-bronchogenic primaries.

Patients and method: Between 2012 and 2023 15 patients, (female n=3, male n=11; age: median 67 years, range 44-78 years) underwent EBBT for histologically confirmed endobronchial metastases from non-pulmonary primary tumours of various site like colon (n=5), melanomas (n=3), ear/nose/throat (n=3), breast (n=2), kidney (n=1) and sarcoma (n=1). The median time between diagnosis of the primary non-bronchogenic tumour and pathological diagnosis of the endobronchial metastases was 43 months, range 1-38 months. A total dose of 16 Gy was delivered in 2 fractions of 8Gy once a week with a CT based dosimetry plan.

Results: Median follow up after palliative EBBT was 20 months (range 1-46 months). Objectively, complete endoscopic macroscopic response was observed in 4 (27%) patients, and in 8 (53%) others partial opening of the obstructed airway was acheived. No improvement was observed in 3 (20%) patients. No patient showed up with local progression. 65 to 90% symptoms alleviation such as dyspnea, hemoptysis, cough, atelectasis and postobstructive pneumonia, was observed in the vast majority of patients (n=9,8%).

Conclusion: EBBT palliates symptoms of patient suffering from endobronchial metastases of distant organs, alone or in combination with other treatment modalities. It is a safe, effective and well tolerated palliative tool that contibutes to the improvement of the patient?s quality of life.