

NHS Scotland cares for an estimated 2,500 patients living with IPF, and many more with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) of any form, across 14 territorial Health Boards (HBs).


In order to understand regional differences in ILD care across NHS Scotland, an electronic survey was sent to Respiratory Physicians in each HB.


Eleven HBs responded, from 18 acute hospital sites. Specialist ILD clinicians and clinics were available in seven HBs; only one HB had ILD clinics at all acute sites. Four HBs had ILD-specific Specialist Nurses. There are no ILD-specific Pulmonary Rehabilitation services.

Figure 1 shows ILD Multidisciplinary Team meeting (MDT) networks. MDT composition varied, with no consistent involvement of specialists other than Respiratory and Radiology. Most meetings were felt to be oversubscribed.

Two thirds of respondents felt their service did not have capacity to meet the current demand, or that capacity was borderline.

Suggestions for improving ILD services included: developing a sub-specialist workforce; connections with supporting teams (e.g. palliative care); and access to ILD MDTs with wider membership to provide more holistic support for patients.


Postcode variation in ILD services exists across Scotland. The Centre for Sustainable Delivery aims to balance capacity and demand nationally by developing networks of clinical support and ensuring MDT access for all ILD patients in NHS Scotland.