
Effectiveness of mobile-based rehabilitation in COPD patients: feasibility study from rural

Aim: To investigate the potential benefits in patients of COPD administered online rehabilitation
program on their quality of life and other physical activity-related parameters

The current study is a feasibility study. Potentially eligible patients were identified and
recruited during out-patient COPD visits. Patients were supported in their homes through mobile
delivered regimen of exercises for 8 weeks. All the patients were regularly contacted through
telephones to understand the challenges faced. Pre- and follow-up tests were done at the end of 8
weeks.Wilcoxon signed-rank test was applied to compare the scores of patient at baseline
and end line. P value <0.05 was considered significant.

A total of 50 patients are recruited till date. Mean age of participants was 63.9 (9) years. Of
these patients 25 patients have completed online delivered 8 weeks? regime of physical activity.
Duration of disease varied from 10 to 20 years. COPD assessment test score was above 20 for 6
patients at baseline. Significant improvement was observed for dyspnea score, COPD assessment
and quality of life scores for patient who adhered to online rehabilitation program for 8 weeks.

Online rehabilitation among COPD patients has potential to effectively improve
their quality of life, dyspnea and other physical parameters in low resource settings