

Although previous studies have investigated comparative persistence between different therapies, these have used restrictive inclusion criteria. 

This study aimed to describe persistence to long-acting inhaled maintenance therapies in patients with COPD in routine clinical practice in the UK in a broader and more generalisable population. 


A retrospective analysis of linked primary and secondary care data in England indexed patients aged ?35 years with a COPD diagnosis and smoking history on initiation of long-acting maintenance therapy (Nov-17 to Sept-19). Index regimens were long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)/ long-acting ?2-agonist (LABA) (multiple inhaler and fixed), LAMA/LABA (multiple inhaler and fixed), multiple inhaler triple therapy and single inhaler triple therapy (SITT). Patients switching therapy were indexed on each regimen, regardless of prior therapy. 

Persistence was assessed over a 6-month minimum follow-up using the Kaplan-Meier estimator. Discontinuation was defined as a gap >60 days between prescriptions.  


74147 patients were included. Table 1 shows median persistence. 


Persistence was greater for fixed dose combinations with dual bronchodilation compared with multiple inhaler combinations, with the greatest persistence seen in SITT. 

Funding: GSK (218530)