
Aim:The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between specific electrocardiographic features and obstructive sleep apne syndrome(OSAS) severity. Therefore in this retrospective study;PR duration,QRS duration and QTc interval were evaluated in patients with OSAS.

Methods:This study includes 81patients over 18 years of age who have been performed polysomnography in our sleep laboratory. Each patient investigated with 12 lead electrocardiograms.PR duration,QRS duration,QTc duration and their association with the severity of OSAS were studied.Patients were divided into 3 groups according to Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI):AHI 5-14 (mildOSAS),AHI 15-30 (moderateOSAS), and AHI > 30 (SevereOSAS).

Results:We found that the QRS duration increased statistically significantly in the severe OSAS group then mild OSAS group(p=0.015).Age,PR distance,QRS duration, QTc interval were not statistically significant in men compared to OSAS groups (p>0.05).In women, it was observed that the QRS duration increased statistically significantly as the OSAS severity increased (p=0.003),while there was no statistically significant change in other variables (p>0.05).Also QTc duration was found to be normal in 95.1% of the patients participating in the study.

Conclusion:We found that QRS duration increased significantly as the severity of OSAS increased in women.However, no statistically significant difference was found in men.In the literature it had been proven that prolonged QRS may increase all cause mortality.Therefore,women with OSAS and prolonged QRS may be a risk of cardiac disease, arrhythmia and death.In addition, QTc was found to be normal in 95.1% of patients in this cross-sectional study.